Saturday, February 08, 2014


it's always chilling (in a bad way), to see the words: could we have an update, please? in a work communication / it always implies that the sender is less than happy with perceived progress / and I quite enjoyed replying to one of these messages recently with: yes, I sent you an email a week ago (haven't you read it?) ...

as the light returns / and the evident untidiness of the garden becomes more difficult to ignore / it seems to be, mostly, business as usual / and I'm trying, with the help of a psychologist / to be more positive about that status. it's always difficult to meet with people, roughly contemporary with me / who have somehow managed to retire, either fully or partially. I can't help feeling envious. As another birthday approaches, my best estimate of time to retirement is six years / which is far too long to be counting days ...

the old adage / a day at a time / usually helps / whether the source is Jesus, or Dale Carnegie / we've been designed, it appears, to inhabit the 18 hours or so between getting up and going to bed / to make each cycle a story / which makes it especially pleasant to be welcoming a new blog - the bad day blog - by (I hope that she doesn't mind me calling her a) seasoned blogger, Josie George / looking forward to hearing from someone who can aim for 'a bloody good bad day' ...

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