Tuesday, January 03, 2006


I am a great believer in the subconscious: that our brains process things while we're not aware; which raises the question of how long to wait after reading the passages before trying to make a comment.

One real problem is familiarity - especially reading the early chapters of Matthew for possibly the fourth time in as many weeks. I don't think that I am paying proper attention to what I'm reading if I'm saying to myself wearily, "not again."

1 comment:

Karin said...

Yes, its so easy to feel over familiar with some parts of the Bible, isn't it? I need a reading scheme/notes that will help me look at it with fresh eyes. Haven't decided what to do just yet. I jotted a few thoughts on Genesis 1 down on my own blog, but feel they need developing a bit. Maybe mulling over a chapter a week can be a good thing sometimes? Having imbibed many thoughts from other people I could be suffering from spiritual indigestion and need time to digest things properly.

But then there are times when one feels stale and needs input from others - or maybe we don't really and shouldn't worry.

Well, you've set me off thinking, but I don't seem to have arrived at any conclusions.