Saturday, July 06, 2013


another turbulent week / I really am not qualified to write about the events which are well-known / which I know about only through news reports / but, on the other hand, I don't suppose that my personal journey is of much interest to anyone but myself ...

so, for myself, I report / that I have lost my faith / and, possibly, been given it back again / that for a few hours, brave atheism took control / made sense / then, somehow, had to acknowledge / grace / a man, hoisted on a wooden cross / not clear about 'how' (why should we be?) / words from beyond the grave ...

my reading, these days, includes, generally at lunchtimes, the street bible (later editions are called the word on the street), by Rob Lacey / I reached the end of what we call the Old Testament a week ago / now embarking on the story of the Liberator / uncomfortable counterpoint, as I also read through Honest to God (John AT Robinson) / which I think was a worthy attempt to make the gospel acceptable to modern man ...

challenging reading / as I continue to try to navigate difficult waters ...

1 comment:

Karin said...

Have you read Marcus Borg's "Heart of Christianity"?