Saturday, April 05, 2014


Jesus told a story / about a man / from whom a demon was cast out / but who, sadly, ended up hosting seven demons ...

This past fortnight, I have had the privilege of following a series of bible readings, with notes by Rachel Boulding, inspired by the life, sermons, and poetry of John Donne. Under God, coincidentally, a fierce battle has been raging / it has been either, or ...

For better or for worse / I believe that the battle is over / and has been won (time will tell) / and, inevitably, there has to be a mopping up / a new world / the demon is cast out / and neither he nor his friends / are welcome, any more ...

I should try to get to know Donne's poetry better / it would have been nice to have ended this post with a quote / instead, as an alter ego has said:
to win, at least, to survive ...

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