Always, but to-day, especially so. Life seems to have taken a downward turn. The Inland Revenue replied to my yearly update regarding Tax Credits that we owe them £700. Horribly mean, especially when they don't tell you how they calculate the result. And last night, a friend phoned to say that a mutual friend had died, and the funeral is this afternoon.
As it happens, the place where the funeral is taking place is not far from where I work, so I'm planning to go. I hate funerals.
I'm listening to the slow movement from Bruckner's 3rd Symphony.
I'm sorry to hear that, Chas: both that your friend has died and that the IR want so much money from you. Will they take it back bit by bit or are they asking for a lump sum? I wonder if it's worth trying to ask them how they arrived at that figure. If your finances haven't increased by much it does sound strange.
The system doesn't seem to be working very smoothly.
Amazingly some funerals can be conducted in a positive manner. I hope this one is - or is that expecting too much of a miracle?
God bless you, Chas
Hope the funeral wasn't too difficult.
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