Friday, December 07, 2007

Why are children so reluctant to go to bed?

Our children are up early - they have to be - so when it's bedtime, aren't they tired?

I don't remember ever before being so affected by the dark mornings and dark evenings. Maybe because I'm doing the 365 days project on flickr, I'm more conscious of how little daylight we get at this time of year.

Anyway - nearly there, for to-day ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but it gets worse. Number 1 son age 19 almost never gets more than 5 hours sleep - except Fri/Sat. They can just do it, I think I was the same at that age.

My experience from older people I know is that when you are about 80 or 90 you get back to the same position of not needing much sleep. Maybe we should all either have kids at 16 or farm them out to their great-grandparents to look after!